Course Descriptions

1. Music Theory (for Instrumentalists)
Rudiments of Music Theory, with emphasis on sight singing.

2. Advanced Music Theory (for Conductors)
Training in sight singing and music transcription, and knowledge in concepts essential to music analysis and writing.

3. Music History
An Introductory Survey of the Historical Periods, Geographic and Cultural Areas of Music.

4. Music Analysis
Understanding and interpretation of musical pieces in terms of directions and form; modes of expression and musical language; and musical message.

5. Conducting
Development of effective conducting skills (gestures and non-verbal communication; tools in interpreting musical stores) with focus on the instrumental and rondalla instruments.

6. Writing for Rondalla
Enhancement of writing and arranging skills and exploration of possibilities for writing effectively; acquiring tools in writing imagined sounds; creating catalogue of techniques, terminologies, and note grids for the rondalla.

7. Playing Techniques for Banduria and Octavina
Advanced lessons in playing techniques for bandurria and octavina, with special focus on running passages, fine tremolo, and sound colors.

8. Rondalla Bass Method
Structured approach to the rondalla bass performance in mastering the fundamental principles of rondalla bass playing, left and right hand techniques, and artistic tonal production.

9. Playing Techniques for Rondalla Guitarists
Understanding and application of classical guitar playing techniques and concepts that can be applied or used as solutions to the current problems encountered by guitarists in the rondalla.

10. Playing Techniques for Drums and Percussion Instruments
Drum rudiments and advanced techniques in drum playing; sight reading and interpreting drum charts; and playing various percussion grooves.

11. Music Forum
Listening and discussion on different types of music from indigenous, classical compositions; dealing with different musical elements; and translating musics of other instruments into the rondalla.

12. Instrument Care and Maintenance
Workshop on setting-up, repair and maintenance of rondalla instruments.